From the lab


The social networking application for art lovers

Share your latest cultural adventures with your friends and keep track of the art you’ve experienced throughout your life. Users can check in, rate, comment and share photos of artwork that they’ve enjoyed. Artorama is a mobile-first, responsive web application that was built during our biannual prototyping week as a means to experiment with new modern web frameworks and languages. Create an account and try out a prototype of the app at:!

Here at Prototyp we like exploring new technologies and working with the latest developments in the web world. In this project the challenge was to quickly grasp the basics of a new programming language and two new frameworks. The back-end was created using the exciting new Phoenix framework for Elixir - a functional programming language that runs on the Erlang virtual machine. The front-end was built using another up-and-coming web framework - Vue.js - and designed according to Google’s Material Design language.